Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm 38 weeks today is my last day in da office!

Yippies... I'm on my way to the long vacation.. To tell the truth, I am just being helpless since I stepped in the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy. So I decided to take early leave 11 days before my duedate.

In another case, I feel very tired lately.. Tired in my case is I cant even stand properly and I feel sleepy all the day..last few days I was an energetic supermom with pot-bellied. But today I am a helpless pregnant lady seeking for attention. I reluctantly go to office since today is my last day.. I need to be in the office as to clear e few task before i leave.

Till then.


ibuiklil said...

Congrats! Harap ibu n baby girl sihat. Jeles aii.. hehe

MamaTiaMia said...

salam maal hijrah Anis dan moga pregnancy mudah dan indah;)